Date | Time | Location |
23/January/2019 (Wed.) | 10:00- 16:00 | NCTU Auditorium (中正堂大廳) |
23/January/2019 (Wed.) | 16:00- 18:00 | Science building III 1F(基礎科學教學研究大樓 1F) |
24/January/2019 ( Thu.) | 9:00- 18:00 | Science building III 1F(基礎科學教學研究大樓 1F) |
25/January/2019 ( Fri.) | 9:00- 18:00 | Science building III 1F(基礎科學教學研究大樓 1F) |
Information Counter
Date | Time | Location |
23/January/2019 (Wed.) | 10:00- 18:00 | NCTU Auditorium (中正堂大廳) |
24/January/2019 ( Thu.) | 9:00- 18:00 | NCTU Auditorium (中正堂大廳) |
25/January/2019 ( Fri.) | 9:00- 18:00 | NCTU Auditorium (中正堂大廳) |
*Information Counter: Only provide consulting service.
2019 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan(TPS)
23/January/2019 (Wed.) |
Time | Scientific Program Schedule | Time | Meetings & Satellite Events |
10:00- 11:00 | Registration NCTU Auditorium (中正堂大廳) | 10:00- 11:00 | Meeting of the committee on women in physics (SC102) | PRPC Review Committee Meeting (SC353) |
11:00- 13:00 | Lunch (SC 1F) | 11:00- 12:00 | Oral presentation Award pre-meeting (SC160) | Poster review pre-meeting (SC158) |
12:00- 16:30 | |
13:00- 14:00 | Opening Ceremony NCTU Auditorium (中正堂) |
14:00- 14:10 | Break |
14:10- 15:00 | Plenary Talk Prof. David Goldhaber-Gordon NCTU Auditorium (中正堂) |
15:00- 15:10 | Break |
15:10- 16:00 | Plenary Talk Prof. You-Hua Chu NCTU Auditorium (中正堂) |
16:00- 16:30 | Tea time (SC 1F) |
16:30- 18:00 | O1: Parallel session (SA 2F, 3F) (SC 1F, 2F) | 16:30- 18:00 | CJP editorial board meeting (SC353) |
18:00- 18:10 | Break | 18:00- 20:10 | |
18:10- 20:10 | P1: Poster Session (SC BF, 2F) | Reception (SC BF, 1F) |
20:30- 21:00 | | 20:30- 21:00 | Poster review meeting (I) (SC158) |
SA: Science building I (科學一館)
SC: Science building III (基礎科學教學研究大樓)
EO: TKP photonic building (田家炳光電大樓)
It will be announced on-site and posted on the website, if the date or location of the activity is changed.
24/January/2019 (Thu.) |
Time | Scientific Program Schedule | Time | Meetings & Satellite Events |
09:00- 10:30 | O2: Parallel session (SA 2F, 3F) (SC 1F, 2F) | Topical Symposia: NM (SA321) | 09:00- 11:00 | 台灣物理學會-韓國物理學會 新穎半導體物理雙邊研討會 TPS-KPS Joint Workshop on Emergent Semiconductor Physics (SC157) |
10:30- 11:00 | Tea time NCTU Auditorium (中正堂大廳) |
11:00-11:25 | Special Talk: Prof. Tou Teck Yong NCTU Auditorium (中正堂) | 11:00- 12:00 | |
11:30-11:55 | Special Talk: Chairman Kenneth Tai NCTU Auditorium (中正堂) |
12:00- 13:30 | Lunch (SC 1F) | 12:00- 13:00 | Executive committee meeting of TPS (SC353) | TPS-KPS MOU Signing Ceremony (SC102) | AVS Taiwan Chapter: Emergent phenomena and related physics in novel van der Waals heterostructures 田家炳會議廳 (EO-103) |
13:00- 15:00 | Board meeting of TPS (SC353) | 公共論壇 : 物理人的產業鏈結 次軒廳 (SC001) |
13:30- 15:00 | O3: Oral Award Session (SA 2F, 3F) (SC 1F, 2F) | Topical Symposia: NM (SA321) EES (SA320) |
15:00- 15:30 | P2: Poster Session (SC BF, 2F) | Tea time (SC 1F) | 15:00- 17:00 | |
15:30-17:00 | |
17:00- 18:00 | O4: Parallel session (SA 2F, 3F) (SC 1F, 2F) | Topical Symposia: NM (SA321) EES (SA320) | 17:00- 17:10 | | |
17:10- 18:00 | Poster review meeting (II) (SC206) | Oral Award Review meeting (SC207) |
18:00 18:40 | Break | | |
18:40- 19:00 | Banquet Fleurlis Hotel | |
19:00- 19:30 | Banquet Opening Speech Prof. Steven Chu |
19:30- 21:30 | |
SA: Science building I (科學一館)
SC: Science building III (基礎科學教學研究大樓)
EO: TKP photonic building (田家炳光電大樓)
Fleurlis Hotel (芙洛麗大飯店) 8F Ballroom:新竹市民族路69號
It will be announced on-site and posted on the website, if the date or location of the activity is changed.
25/January/2019 (Fri.) |
Time | Scientific Program Schedule | Time | Meetings & Satellite Events |
09:00- 10:30 | O5: Parallel session (SA 2F, 3F) (SC 1F, 2F) | Topical Symposia: BIO (SA321) | 09:00- 12:00 | | 動手做物理 教學研討會 Conference on Hands-on Physics Education 9:30~13:30 大會演講 次軒廳 (SC001) 13:30~16:50 工作坊 SA213 SA214 SA215 SC204 SC206 SC207 16:50~17:30 嘉年華 次軒廳 (SC001) |
10:30- 11:00 | Tea time NCTU Auditorium (中正堂大廳) |
11:00- 12:00 | Plenary Talk Prof. William E. Moerner NCTU Auditorium (中正堂) |
12:00- 13:30 | Lunch (SC 1F) | 12:00- 12:30 | | Department chairs meeting (SC353) |
12:30- 14:00 | Special Forum: The current status and future prospect of high energy experimental physics in Taiwan (EO103) |
13:30- 14:30 | O6: Parallel session (SA 2F, 3F) (SC 1F, 2F) | Topical Symposia: BIO (SA321) OSE (SA320) |
14:00- 15:30 | |
14:30- 14:40 | Break |
14:40- 15:40 | O7: Parallel session (SA 2F, 3F) (SC 1F, 2F) | Topical Symposia: BIO (SA321) OSE (SA320) |
15:30- 17:40 | |
15:40- 16:10 | Tea time NCTU Auditorium (中正堂大廳) |
16:10- 17:40 | Closing Ceremony & Awards NCTU Auditorium (中正堂) |
17:40~ | Farewell |
SA: Science building I (科學一館)
SC: Science building III (基礎科學教學研究大樓)
EO: TKP photonic building (田家炳光電大樓)
It will be announced on-site and posted on the website, if the date or location of the activity is changed.