Banquet Program

Time Program Schedule
18:40 – 18:50Registration 報到
18:50 – 18:55

Opening , President of TPS 理事長致辭
(Prof. Chih-Ta Chia, President of TPS)

18:55 – 19:00Greetings from Distinguished Guests 貴賓致辭
(Prof. Mau-Chung Frank Chang, President of NCTU)
19:00 –19:30Banquet Opening Speech : Prof. Steven Chu
19:30 ~Awards 頒獎 & Dinner 晚餐享用

Time:2019/01/24 PM6:40~PM9:30
Location:芙洛麗大飯店Fleurlis Hotel 8F Ballroom(新竹市民族路69號)

Due to a limited quota of the banquet, priority is given to the early birds who complete the registration with full payment.
To ensure your seat, please register as early as possible.
由於晚宴名額人數有限, 報名以有成功註冊(有繳費)物理年會與會者為優先。為了避免向隅, 請儘早報名。
Banquet晚宴 [ NT$900(online網路報名);NT$1,100(on-site現場報名)]

2019物理年會晚宴接駁車(1/24, Thr.) Shuttle bus service for Banquet


Departure: 6:10pm on time, at front door of Science Building III.


Return: around 9:00pm or to be announced, at front door of Fleurlis Hotel.