2019 Topical Symposia
Bioimaging and biophysics(BIO)
O5:1/25 09:00-10:30
O6:1/25 13:30-14:30
O7:1/25 14:40-15:40
SA321高甫仁 (國立陽明大學生醫光電研究所)
Fu-Jen Kao ( Institute of Biophotonics, National Yang-Ming University )/
林耿慧 (中央研究院物理研究所)
Keng-hui Lin ( Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica )/
謝佳龍 (中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所 )
Chia-Lung Hsieh ( Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences,  Academia Sinica )/
朱士維 (國立臺灣大學物理學系)
Shi-Wei Chu ( Department of Physics, National Taiwan University )

Bioimaging is a rapidly growing field and it has revolutionized biophysical research by providing data with high spatial and temporal resolutions. Meanwhile, deeper understanding of single molecules by biophysical studies also leads to significant advance in resolution and sensitivity enhancement of bioimaging. In the 2019 Annual Meeting, we are going to have a special symposium to bridge these two closely related fields of advanced imaging technology and biophysics. We are honored to have Prof. William E. Moerner, 2014 Nobel Laureate on super-resolved fluorescence microscopy, to give a plenary presentation. This symposium will bring together experts on not only super-resolution imaging, but also high-speed or deep-tissue imaging technologies, as well as their biophysical applications, to stimulate more young talents and more related research activities in Taiwan.

生物影像技術近年來的快速發展,為許多研究提供了高時間空間解析度的實驗數據,對生物物理領域有革命性的影響。同時,透過生物物理研究,對於單分子特性的深入了解更有助於實現更高解析度的生物影像技術。在2019年的台灣物理年會中,我們將舉辦「生物影像與生物物理」主題論壇,目的在連結這兩個息息相關的研究領域。我們有幸邀請到2014年諾貝爾獎得主W. E. Moerner帶領這個論壇,與我們分享單分子以及超解析光學顯微術的研究。這個主題論壇同時歡迎光學顯微技術專家以及利用生物影像進行生物物理研究的學者,希望透過這樣的主題論壇,讓相關研究人員有一個溝通交流的管道。也讓我們的學生對於這一個重要且發展快速的領域有更多的認識,有更多新血能夠投身於此領域的發展。

Topical Symposia:Numerical methods for quantum manybody systems: Synergies of condensed matter theory and lattice field theory(NM)
O2:1/24 10:00-10:30
O3:1/24 13:30-15:00
O4:1/24 17:00-18:00
SA321林及仁 (國立交通大學物理研究所)
David Lin ( Institute of Physics, National Chiao Tung University )/
林瑜琤 (國立政治大學應用物理所)
Yu-Cheng Lin ( Graduate Institute of Applied Physics, National Chengchi University )/
高英哲 (國立臺灣大學物理學系)
Ying-Jer Kao ( Department of Physics, National Taiwan University )
Numerical methods in quantum manybody systems play a significant role in physics research.  Not only that they can be employed to solve problems in condensed matter physics, they are often adopted in research on high-energy physics, in particular in the area of lattice field theory.  This common lore is deeply rooted in the application of Wilsonian renormalisation group techniques in the investigation of phase transitions in statistical mechanics, and in the study of the continuum limit (or the ultraviolet completion) of quantum field theories.  In this topical symposium, we will bring together world leading experts in both condensed matter physics and high-energy physics for interacting with our local communities.  Large-scale numerical simulation is an important ingredient in modern physics research, and we hope that this event will contribute to boosting the activities in Taiwan.
Emerging Energy Science(EES)
O3:1/24 13:30-15:00
O4:1/24 17:00-18:00
SA320董崇禮 (淡江大學物理學系)
Chung-Li Dong ( Department of Physics, Tamkang University )/
林彥谷 (國家同步輻射研究中心)
Yan-Gu Lin ( National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center )
Presently, the Taiwan government plans to transition the energy usage with a target to ensure that renewable energy comprises 20% of the share by 2025. The main initiatives in the government’s plan are wind power and solar photovoltaics. Energy can also be efficiently generated, stored, and converted through the design of novel materials that tap the earth’s rich and sustainable supply of light, heat, and water. The theme of this forum is “Emerging Energy Science” to recognize the recent vibrant developments in advanced materials in Taiwan. It will cover new functional energy materials, including artificial photosynthesis, solar hydrogen energy, energy storage batteries/supercapacitors, and thermoelectric materials. There will be exchanges among multiple parties, and integrations of cross-institutional and inter-disciplinary research technologies and knowledge, so that Taiwan’s international status in the energy technologies sector is elevated and the country’s goal to sustainably develop renewable energy is attained.
Outer Space Explorations(OSE)

O6:1/25 13:30-14:30

O7:1/25 14:40-15:40

SA320方振洲 (國研院國家太空中心)
Chen-Joe Fong  (National Space Organization (NSPO)) /
張祥光 (清華大學天文所)
Hsiang-Kuang Chang (National Tsing Hua University)
This topical symposium is to solicit contributions of research results or innovation ideas in outer space exploration for discussion and to foster possibilities of collaboration with National Space Organization (NSPO), which is the sole institution to execute the nation's space program and to develop space technologies in Taiwan.
NSPO's third-phase long-term space program has an outer space exploration mission.
We hope discussions in this symposium will lead to concepts of space missions with Taiwanese characteristics and lead to ideas of collaborations in international space exploration programs.

SA: Science building I (科學一館)

To find the details of agenda, please refer Oral sessions.