美國聯邦政府1/23~1/25仍在關閉狀態,Prof. Phillips因隸屬於NIST ,不克來台參加物理年會 。Prof. Phillips安排於1/24的大會演講被迫取消。
1/24 11:00-12:00議程異動如下:
Location: NCTU Auditorium (中正堂)
11:00-11:25 Introduction to the 14th Asia-Pacific Physics Conference at Malaysia
Prof. Tou Teck Yong, Multimedia University
11:25-11:30 Break
11:30-11:55 Digital Electro-optics Platform - Education and Research
Kenneth Tai, Chairman of Photonics Industry and Technology Development Association,
CEO of Jasper Display Corporation
2019台灣物理年會籌備團隊 敬啟